What are Amphibians

Amphibians are a class of animals that lay eggs in water, but when those eggs hatch, the amphibians swims to the surface and live mostly on dry ground.

These animals, much like reptiles, are cold-blooded. This means that they cannot control their own body temperature. If they are in a cold environment, their blood grows cold. They also hibernate during the winter in small holes that they had dug.

Amphibians have skin that cannot be infiltrated by any type of fluid. They often have moist, slippery skin. Some of them even have bumps in their skin which are called warts, but if touched will not transmit. In addition to bumpy skin, most amphibians have webbed feet that they use for swimming.

A major difference between amphibians and reptiles is that reptile lay their eggs on land, while amphibians lay their eggs in water.

Four examples of amphibians are: newts, frogs, salamanders, and axolotls.