The Myth of Dædalus and Icarus

Once upon a time, there was a man named Dædalus. This man was an inventor who was very skilled and had invented many things such as the sails of ships. The king of Crete wanted Dædalus to make him a labyrinth, so the man brought his son and they made a labyrinth that no one could escape. There was one small problem: they were trapped inside it!
Dædalus had an outstanding idea, this being that he and his son would gather many feathers and that they would make wings and fly away. So, the boy and his father made wings out of wax and feathers, then they flew away. The son thinking that he was so smart flew close to the sun. The result of this act of pride melted the wax holding the feathers, thus killing him.
This story reminds me of the saying: “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall,” (Proverbs 16:18).