Silk Making

Silk making is a delicate task that in the end results in supplying you with the softest type of cloth: silk.

The silk worm is a small insect that eats mulberry leaves, grows, forms a cocoon, and then lays eggs. This extraordinary creature eats continually until it creates its cocoon. After 20 to 30 days, the creature sheds its skin, this process is known as molting. After a while, the silk worm will create a cocoon where it shall turn into a moth. When it is a moth it will mate and lay eggs.

The beginning of the silk making process is when you heat up the silk worms' cocoons. The heat kills the moth on the inside and dries up the cocoon. After drying up the cocoons, you unreel the silk from them, thus producing raw silk.

Today, the Zhejiang province of China is the main source of Chinese silk. There are more than three hundred silk mills in this province. It is China's largest producer of silk goods.