The Great Lego Spill

Twenty-five years ago, a ship called the Tokio Express was hit by a rogue wave off the shores of England, dumping five million pounds of sea themed Legos into the ocean.
For the next twenty-five years from then, millions of Legos have floated out of the sea and have landed on the shores of England, France, and even Germany. This disaster was known as the Great Lego Spill. It was a disaster because the company who was delivering Legos lost 5 million pounds of them and the sea was polluted by all that plastic.
People from England, France, and Germany have started collecting these Legos and keeping them. The rarest pieces found were the green dragons. Until now only three were found.

Some people who had also found Legos and other toys on their beaches have formed a Facebook group where they shared all their discoveries, this is called Lego Lost at Sea.