Gravity Experiment

Gravity Experiment
Gravity's effect upon leaves

Experiment: Testing Gravity

Identify a Problem

How does the height from which an object is dropped affect the time it takes to reach the ground?

Gather Information

  • Gravity is a force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth.
  • The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is approximately 9.8 m/s².

Make a Hypothesis

  • If an object is dropped from a greater height, then it will take more time to reach the ground because it has a longer distance to travel.

Test the Hypothesis:

  • Measure and mark different heights (59 inches, 82 inches, and 105 inches).
  • Drop a rectangular Wrapping Bubble from the first height and use the stopwatch to measure the time it takes to reach the ground. Record the time.
  • Repeat step 2 for the other heights and record the time.

Analyze the Results

I dropped a rectangular Wrapping Bubble (having an area of 28 inches sq.) from different heights (59 inches, 82 inches, and 105 inches). These were my results:

  • 59 inches - 1:44 sec
  • 82 inches - 2:38 sec
  • 105 inches - 3:51 sec

Draw Conclusions:
My hypothesis (that the higher up an object is, the longer it will take to fall) is correct!