The Social Ladder In Roman-Britain

When the Romans invaded Britain, they established a few social classes in this new land.

Slaves and soldiers were the lowest social class. The slaves worked all the time in their owner's fields and were considered as property. The soldiers were peasants or slaves who were either forced by poverty or by war into the army to fight and defend their country. These soldiers were paid money when they fought if they lived through the war.

Peasants were some of the lowest classes of people, but they owned their own land unlike the slaves which were considered property. They could farm land and could own slaves if they had enough money, they had in other words a citizenship.

The rich citizens were like the peasants in many ways but owned villas instead of homes, and could vote for the senator at the elections. Usually, the rich people owned many slaves and servants who worked around the house. Their houses' windows did not show what was inside the villas so that any thieves looking for potential plunder would see none.